Practice Education Project
We champion the value of arts as being essential in everybody's life, and to effect positive social change through arts.
One of Advocacy's key initiatives is the Practice Education Project (PEP). In the realm of arts education in Singapore, Practice is recognised by the National Arts Council Singapore as one of the pioneer organisations under the Enhanced Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP).
Programmes under PEP complement and extend the Practice philosophy that the human experience should always be the core of our work. With this exposure students learn to develop personal and social capabilities such as: self-discipline, empathy, passion, confidence, and creativity. Key programmes include weekend children's courses, as well as well-received short-term and long-term initiatives (shows, workshops, talks, teachers' training) that bridge a student's relationship with the performing arts.
A child's education begins with character development. Allowing our children to learn behaviours that reflect universal ethical values from young — that is the mission of the Practice Education Project.
When you play, you free up the mind. When you play, your brain is stimulated and suddenly, even the impossible becomes possible. Play is serious business.
1. Advocate a culture of "Play"
As a pioneer in providing arts education in Singapore, PEP's unique approach combines training in various aspects of the performing arts with the spirit of "Play".
2. Create multi-faceted opportunities for exposure to Chinese language and culture in Singapore
With Practice's long-standing history in promoting Chinese language and culture through the arts, PEP is pivotal in creating child-oriented programmes to advocate for this cause.